Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Google - A new player in PCM space?

Okay that might sound frivolous but there are reasons. Google has entered the personalized portal space. Check out http://www.google.com/ig. Although, it is a basic and rudimentory offering but it still is a good beginning. Everyone knows about Google's different search models - google appliance, desktop search, web search and thousand other different types of searches. Besides, they also have a "Search History" and some other cool search related features. In the collaboration space, they have Hello (http://www.picasa.com/picasa/redirect.php?tid=Y2NpZD0zODcx) which could be their IM offering and Google groups (http://groups-beta.google.com/grphp?hl=en&tab=wg). They also do news syndication, maps, froogle and catalogs.
As far as content management goes, they are a leader in blogging which essentially is a poor man's CMS.

They already have API's to access many of these features. With a couple of more acqusitions and some consolidation in different services they have, they might be a player to watch for in the PCM space.

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