Friday, June 03, 2005
Consolidation in Content Management Space
Looks like content is indeed the king these days. Today, Sun announced a proposed take over of StorageTek. This gives them a foot hold in a fast growing Information Life Cycle Management (ILM) space. Next step would be to buy a Content Management vendor. Once that is thru, they will have presence in Server market, Storage and tools to manage that enormous data. This would also give some competition to EMC which became a big player in this area after they bought over Documentum in 2003.
Fatwire Content Server could have been a probable candidate. Its a brilliant product based on J2EE technologies had shared close relationship with Sun. Vignette could have been another choice but recently they've started focusing *again* on .Net. OpenText and FileNet could also be in the race too.
Microsoft already have a good offering in this space after buying out NCompass. IBM, BEA and Oracle too have small time offerings in CM space but they can not match the sophisticated feature set of Vignette, Interwoven et. al.
I think its not too far when all the biggies - IBM, BEA, HP, Oracle and Sun will have a content management offering, most likely thru an acquisition. Smaller players and Open Source will still be there in the market. However, they will need to be niche and should differentiate themselves from these big guys. After all, once Oracle or Sun has a CM offering, no one can stop them from commoditizing it and offering it as part of bundle free of cost.